Dear Hackers….it’s that time of year. Time to dust off your sand wedge, open your wallets, donate to a worthy cause—and hit the Qargha Golf Links for the third annual Kabul Desert Classic! This world famous golf tournament will be held at 1:00 p.m. on Friday October 19, 2007, and as in prior years, the Classic will be limited to 36 golfers. NO GOLF EXPERIENCE IS NECESSARY. Seriously, money counts but your golf handicap doesn’t. Last year, some dude shot a 78 (for nine holes!). And even if you don’t understand what that last sentence means, you can still come to play.

To play in this year’s event, simply email us at kabulclassic@yahoo.com and include the following information:

1.Your full name and affiliation
2.How much cash (in US dollars) you will bid to play in this year’s Classic—minimum $100 starting bid. (the top 36 bidders will be selected to play)
3.Your telephone number
4.Your country of origin (a President’s Cup/Ryder Cup-style side-challenge may be part of this year’s tourney, depending on where the 36 golfers are from)
5.Whether you want us to supply you a set of golf clubs for the tourney and if so, please specify whether you’re right handed or left handed.

See below the rules of the tournament.

Prizes will be awarded to the winners at the 19th Hole (well, at the 10th Hole—it’s only a nine hole tournament).

This is a charity event to help physically disabled Afghans. The beneficiaries of this year’s proceeds will be two very worthy organizations in need of some serious support: the Kabul Orthopaedic Association and Sandy Gall's Afghanistan Appeal. For more information on these organizations and their intended use of the proceeds from the Classic, read the sidebar. NOTE: aside from a few minor expenses associated with running the tournament, all proceeds will go to the target beneficiaries—not to overhead nor other costs.

AND FINALLY, TO NON-GOLFERS: For those of you who cannot participate or don’t want to play this year, there’s great news: you can still donate! Unlike past years, this year’s donations may be made by credit card—click the PayPal link on this page to send a donation. And email us at kabulclassic@yahoo.com if you want us to direct your online donation to one of the bidding golfers to improve her or his chance of being one of the 36 top bidders.

PLEASE INFORM YOUR FRIENDS, FAMILIES, LOVERS, COLLEAGUES, HEDGE FUND MANAGERS, NEIGHBORHOOD BARFLIES, PLACES OF WORSHIP, COUNTRY CLUBS, EMAIL DISTRIBUTION LISTS, ETC. ETC. ETC. ABOUT THIS BLOG AND THE KABUL DESERT CLASSIC AND ASK THEM TO DONATE AS WELL! Last year, we managed to raise nearly $10,000---taking only cash payments. With donations now able to made online from anywhere in the world, we are expecting to increase the amount of proceeds exponentially. Names of all donors will be posted on this blog (unless a donor wishes to remain anonymous), with the top dogs singled out.

Payments may also be made in cash on the day of the tournament at the golf course to our trustworthy treasurer, Asma Nassery.

More information to follow. Thanks for your support!

Amaury Coste and John Dempsey
Kabul Desert Classic Co-Founders, Co-Organizers


As in past years, the Classic is a team event. 18 teams of two golfers each will be assigned to different tees in a shotgun start. Teams will be assigned randomly. If some golfers have a special request to be assigned to a particular playing partner, we will entertain the idea on a case-by-case basis—e.g., if some golfers require close protection like last year, we may make an exception. Otherwise, it’ll be completely random. Four golfers (two teams) will start on each of the nine tees at the same time (1:00 p.m.).

The match will be “alternate shot”, meaning each team will play one golf ball and the two players on each team will take turns hacking away. No player may hit two consecutive shots on any hole. Also, no player may hit the tee shot on two consecutive holes. Each player is allowed one (ONLY ONE) mulligan (two per team). Maximum score on any hole is 6 over par. For example, once you hit your tenth shot on a par four hole, pick up your ball and record your score as a ten for the hole and move on. Scores will be recorded on a scorecard that will be provided to each team at the Classic registration desk near the clubhouse before tee-off.

Note: the clubhouse is no longer at the top of the Qarga dam—it’s down below the first tee (the building with a bombed out roof that has hopefully seen better days). Golfers should report (with the cash they’ve bid) to the registration desk at 12:30. Clubs, tees and golf balls will be provided to each team then.

If you lose a ball or hit it out of bounds (unlikely to happen except on the fourth hole), take one penalty stroke and drop your ball in the vicinity of where you lost it. If you hit your ball into an irrigation trench, water well, rusting tank or some other similar hazard, don’t take a penalty stroke and drop your ball close by the hazard but no closer to the hole. On the greens, if your ball nestles up against the perimeter of the green such that it’s impossible to putt, move your ball no more than one club length from the edge of the green. If a golfer swings and misses the ball entirely, it counts as a stroke and such golfer’s playing partner will take the next shot.

In the interest of protecting golf clubs, golfers may use a tee or a mat on EVERY shot except shots from the green of bunkers (yes, there are a few actual sand traps). Caddies and ball boys will be assigned to each team. These sage dudes know the rules and they know the course—take their advice. And tip them well please!

Lowest total score for a team wins the event.

There will be a closest to the pin contest on the 5th hole.

As mentioned above, there may be an overall competition based on the nationalities of the players, but this will be a side-challenge. We’ll decide on this once we see the top 36 bidders and their country of origin.

Drinks will be sold at spots along the course, but bring your own food if you’ll want to eat.

TO PLAY: email us (with all of the information mentioned above) at kabulclassic@yahoo.com by 12:00 noon, Kabul time, on Wednesday October 17. We will then select the teams and email everyone the names of those who are playing, their partners’ names and all other relevant information. Bids received after that time cannot be considered, as we need time to set the teams and deal with other administrative matters—but the money bid will still be gladly accepted!

In case of bad weather, security concerns or other events that might necessitate postponing the event, we will contact all teams on the morning of the 19h—but it’s a safe place and the weather should be fine.

An award ceremony will be held after all 18 teams have completed their round, signed their scorecards and scores have been checked by us. The ceremony will be at the “10th hole”—i.e., the Qarga Dam Restaurant at the top of the dam.

Now? Start raising your cash, getting your sponsors and practicing your swing! Updates to come periodically and soon….good luck, and thanks again for you support.
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